Thursday, March 10, 2011

Aren't you just sick about all the talk of obesity?

Okay I give in.  As cofounder and editor-in-chief of, I was a little snobby  about blog writers. I mean our website is a serious one with editing and fact checking and all that. And, bloggers are just lightweights, right?

But alas, , I was wrong, the blogosphere is huge, in fact, it may even be passé.   Social networking is the new, new thing.  Hey, better late than never.

My goal is to use this pulpit to aggregate what I'm seeing in all my health research. Although these will be my editorial opinions, they will be  laden with hard-core facts.

Today's topic.

Aren't you just sick about all the talk of obesity?

As intelligent and advanced species, we seem to be losing ground in this regard.  The number of people in this country overweight or obese is around 65%. We are driven by short-term pleasures of taste and a carbohydrate serotonin rush, all to the long term detriment to our health.

So many ailments are caused by excess belly fat,  there are so many that I won't bore you with the list now.

Alas,  but the government will have a solution, Right?  Wrong.  In the period where we were gaining all this weight, we had the origianal pyramid. Remember that?  Every lobbyist from cattlemen to grain growers had their fingerprints all over it. All those carbohydrates, the foundational layer of the pyramid,  that people thought were good for them contributed to the obesity crisis.

The truth is, we have to take the initiatives on our own.  It really does simply boil down to more activity, and less food.

I practice what I preach. In my case, I play racquetball two to three times a week for my caloric burn. And, I favor the zone diet. I don't particularly like the word "diet", it implies a short-term painful period of doing without. I've been on the zone diet for 14 years now, and think of it as a "eating lifestyle".

Since my wife makes our dinners at home, she actually favors the Mediterranean diet. So we have lots of veggies, olive oil, garlic, and red wine – yum.

Back to the zone diet,  you will have to read the book, but it's the proper balance of the macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats. All in the proper proportion. When done properly insulin is under control in your body tends not to store body fat.  In fact it burns off more body fat and you don't feel hungry all the time.

So I'll conclude today, by saying that we all have to find an activity that gets us moving, but that was thoroughly enjoy.  And,  eating a little less, and in the right proportions.  Jillian Michaels eat your heart, we got it under control.

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